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America's Great Awakening is a free educational website devoted to help people "wake up" from the mainstream narrative and discover that much of what you think as fact is merely well crafted and honed propaganda to lull you into a sense of security and force the idea that someone or something knows more and should be in charge of most aspects of your life.
Carrying out the requisite work and then writing a book is, undoubtedly, the most strenuous and time consuming effort we have ever undertaken. Many great minds have come together to bring this site to you. Many sacrifices were made to help enlighten you through what we hope is your journey towards awakening.
The power of passion and caffeine fueled the fortitude of those who work tirelessly through endless nights, researching, and writing to make sure we are presenting only Truth to our readers. To say it takes a village is an understatement.
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We watch immobilized, as our government destroys our freedom with each passing day. We cower in the face of the abject criminality of that government. We bow down and endure without resistance TSA scrutiny, NSA spying, GMO foods, forced vaccines, warrantless searches, universal healthcare, taxes, pre-crime citations, the expropriation of our mortgages and property, the murder of dissidents, constant surveillance, unsafe medicines and foods, and even worse, the privatization of our money system.
It seems the world is going insane.
And, as if being sedated, we sit here day after day accepting as the government perverts the Law on behalf of its corporate controllers.
We enable our own demise.
So we have a choice… We can sell out, follow their lead and drive America into a leaderless, valueless, nation of corruption where it's every man and woman for themselves, or we can turn back to the principles that directed this country to greatness.
This manuscript is my humble effort to be a part of the solution. To educate my readers with the truth.
We stand at the beginning of a great awakening. More Americans are discovering what they don't know about their own history and their nation's founding principles. And they want to learn. America's Great awakening will provide what we as a free people need: a framework for understanding where we came from and where we must go. The objective is not simply reverence of America's founding principles, but to bring those living principles to the center of America today.
This manuscript is not just about America's Great Awakening, although the title may be misleading. It's about a global awakening. I titled this manuscript America's Great Awakening for many reasons. We're considered the most powerful nation on earth. But, if you want to know how to break the greatest nation the world has ever seen over the course of a few short decades, just look at what we're actually doing, because future generations will point to it when they're trying to figure out where we went wrong. We have created unsustainable debt, an enormous centralized government that rules over its people (as opposed to serving them), an unjust tax system, and moral decay.